Wemindji Eeyouch recognize that we are the children of the Creator, and we respect this relationship, and the duties it places upon us to maintain harmonious, happy and healthy relations among ourselves, with other people, and with all living things.


Chief Christina Gilpin

On behalf of the people of Wemindji, I am pleased to welcome you to the official page of the Cree Nation of Wemindji.


We invite you to browse through our website to learn about the rich culture of the people of Wemindji. You'll find that our people are deeply connected with the roots of our ancestors and strive to keep our traditions alive by practicing and passing on this knowledge to our children.

Welcome to the Cree Nation of


Life is an Expidition - Traveling Wemindji Eeyouch and Waters

Cree Nation of Wemindji

21 Hilltop Drive     P.O Box 60

Wemindji, Quebec  Canada


Tel: (819) 978-0264

Fax: (819) 978-0258

There are various local Cree owned businesses in Wemindji. We also have the usual amenities of any small town. Below you'll find a list of all the services we have in our community.

Air Creebec                                                                              (819) 978 0215

Bank of Montreal                                                                     (819) 978-3588

Canada Post Office                                                                  (819) 978-3333

Community Store                                                                     (819) 978-3656

Cree Health Board                                                                    (819) 978-0225

Cree Human Resources Development                                 (819) 978-3130

Cree Mineral Exploration Board                                              (819) 978-0264 ext.327

Cree Nation of Wemindji                                                            (819) 978-0264

Creenet Inc.                                                                                (819) 978-3232

Cree School Board                                                                     (819) 978-0389

Cree Trappers Association                                                        (819) 978-3005

Daycare F1 - Kanawhymigoo                                                    (819) 978-3605

Daycare F2  - Shiwhymigoo                                                       (819) 978-0360

Eeyou Eenou Police Force                                                        (819) 978-0320

Fire Department                                                                        (819) 978-3773

CHB Home Care                                                                        (819) 978-3222

Kakabat Enterprises (Randy Kakabat)                                     (819) 978 7239

Kookum Sarah's Bed & Breakfast                                             (819) 978-3501/3004

Lee's Garage  (Lee Visitor)                                                       (819)978-0301

Maquatua Eeyou School                                                          (819) 978-0270

Maquatua Inn (Hotel)                                                                 (819) 978-3166

Moosonee Transport                                                                 (819) 978-3552

Municipal Garage                                                                     (819) 978-0264 ext.305

Multi Purpose Day Center (MSDC)                                          (819) 978-3500

Natagam Boreal Adventures                                                      (819) 978-7402

NNADP                                                                                       (819) 978-0361

Smiley's Restaurant                                                                    (819) 978-3031

Sabtuan Adult Education                                                             (819) 978-3090

Sam's Place                                                                                  (819) 978-3999

Sibi Gas Station                                                                            (819) 978-3508

Sibi Hardware Store                                                                      (819) 978-3510

Social Services                                                                              (819) 978-0349

St-John Anglican Church                                                               (819) 978-3140

Student Services                                                                            (819) 978-0336

Sports @ Recreation                                                                      (819) 978-3818

Tawich Development Corporation                                                  (819) 978-3030

Taxi (George Atsynia)                                                                   (819)978-7677 or 7644

Weistchee Services                                                                          (819) 978-3871

Wemindji Enterprises (Ron Atsynia)                                             (819)978 7232

Wemindji Exploration Services                                                 (819) 978-0264 ext. 212

Wemindji Paving                                                                       (819) 978-0264 ext.214

Wemindji Telecommunications                                                      (819) 978-3535

Wemindji Wellness/Gathering Center                                      (819) 978-3868

WHM Sports Center                                                                        (819) 978-3060

Wishtan Arts & Crafts                                                                      (819) 978-3166

Paint Hills Uschiniich Iiukimikw                                                       (819) 978-3949

Youth Protection Services                                                               (819) 978-0349


Wemindji, from wiimin uchii meaning "ochre hills" in Cree formerly known as Old Factory, a little island 45 kilometres south of the current location. Wemindji has been relocated since 1959 and sits at the mouth of the Maquatua River on the east coast of James Bay, in northern Quebec, Canada. Wemindji's nearest major city is Montreal and we are approximately 1400 kilometres north of it.


Old Factory Band was first established in 1951 on an Island of Paakumshumwashtikw meaning "Old Factory Bay" now known as the Cree Nation of Wemindji.


In some ways Wemindji is not much different from any small town. Visitors will find various sporting facilities, a school, a community center, cultural villages, a shopping center/mini-mall, its own hydro-electric plant, a full equipped fire station and police station, a clinic, numerous business ventures such as a gas station, a motel, a bed and breakfast, outfitting and adventure tourism, an arts and crafts shop, just to name a few.


Since the relocation of our people from Old Factory Island to our current location, Wemindji has grown at a rapid pace now home to over 1,400 people. As the community grows in number, recommendations and needs of expansion are brought to the administration that are reviewed by Chief & Council. While housing has always been an issue in Wemindji, we're proud to see so many of our community members building their homes under the homeownership program here in the community.


The Cree people who live here, who also call themselves Iyiyuuch in our own language, meaning "the people" have a deep attachment to our past and to keeping our traditions alive. The Iyiyuuch continue to practice the ancient hunting, fishing and trapping way of life that sustained our ancestors for many generations. Today within our community a third of our population still live year-round in the bush, while others go back to their family traplines' on weekends or when they have free time.


Traditional activities and events such as the spring and fall goose hunt, the walking out ceremonies are just some of them that remain to be a vital part of our community life. It has been said that Wemindji becomes like a ghost town when the hunt for geese is at its prime.


Our elders are the bedrock of Iyiyuu/Cree society, keeping traditions alive through stories and legends is what makes our nation so unique and strong as a people. Most lakes, rivers and mountains have a name and a story associated with them (sometimes many stories), knowledge of which has been passed down through the generations.


Historians also tells us that, following a mutiny, Mr. Henry Hudson and some loyal crew members were cast adrift in a small boat in 1611 in James Bay and the Old Factory/Wemindji area could be one of the areas in which may hold the key to finally unlocking the puzzle.

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Life is an Expidition - Traveling Wemindji Eeyouch and Waters

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